Media Roundup

Strangely enough, I’ve been featured in the media several times here in Belgorod.  I’m collecting all those stories here.

This article from BelPressa, quoting me saying I’m happy I am not in the US during the Presidential campaign.

(Non-Belgorod): This Minsk story about my presentation at a migration conference, where I explain that walls do not stop migration.

My blog entry on Tucson vs. Belgorod was translated into Russian.

Television interview about the Tucson vs. Belgorod blog post.

Second television interview about my stay in Belgorod.

Article about my English-through-art classes at the Rodina Exhibition Hall.

Post  about my visit to the law school.

Article about my lecture at the law school.

Preview  video of an article about me in Zhitye-Bytye

Photograph of article in Zhitye-Bytye (article not available online).

A lecture I gave on anti-corruption laws and practices in the United States.

Radio interview on Russia 1/Russia 24 Belgorod.  Features a call-in segment where I interact with the public.

Conference at BelGU on migration.

Interview during Belgorod’s “Grill-Fest.”

Interview in Belgorodskaya Pravda upon my departure.


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